miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011


Alumnos de 3º de Secundaria se presentaron en noviembre al examen en inglés de KET que realiza la institución Cambridge.

Este examen consta de 3 partes:

Reading and Writing: 1 hr 10 min
Candidates need to be able to understand simple written information such as signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines. They will also have to fill gaps in simple sentences and write a short message or note of 25-35 words.
Listening: 30 min
Candidates need to show their ability to understand announcements and other spoken material when spoken reasonably slowly.
Speaking: 8-10 min
Candidates need to demonstrate that they can take part in a conversation by answering and asking simple questions. They take the Speaking test with another candidate or in a group of three.

En enero hemos recibido los resultados y, todos los alumnos que se presentaron, han aprobado con la mejor nota posible "pass with merit".

Desde Los Abetos queremos darles la enhorabuena por las notas tan buenas del examen.

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